Below you can select the date and party size up to 14 days in advanced for your reservation at the Soaking Pool at .Reservations are not required for hotel guests.Starting on February 25, all reservations will require advance payment onlineThe pool will be closed on the first Tuesday of the month for cleaning.
Below you can find a list of available time slots for the Morning, Afternoon, Late Afternoon, and Evening on for Soaking Pool for persons at Kennedy School. Click on a time slot to proceed with booking.Starting on February 25, all reservations will require advance payment online
You selected a booking for Soaking Pool for persons at Kennedy School at 4:00 pm on . The price for the service is $8.00. Please provide your details in the form below to proceed with booking.Starting on February 25, all reservations will require advance payment online
You selected a booking for Soaking Pool for persons at Kennedy School at 4:00 pm on . The price for the service is $8.00. An email with details of your booking has been sent to you.